Sunday, July 19, 2009

Today Eddy and Lu lu played master chef. They  both created a dish each. And here are the results. Matt cut the garnish for their creations......

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Garden

The Garden is a hive of activity.... Today there was a work shop on how to build a no dig garden bed.... The cafe is moving forward with plans to lay down a floor in the school holidays, and all the plants got a feeding of compost tea and comfrey tea..... smelly but very jolly good for The Garden....


Us Peachface gals met with our mentor Cheryl Ross last Monday to nut out some new products for boys only..... we had an inspirational day, Cheryl's passion is so contagious.... We found our selves gliding out the door with pure excitement, knowing that our products are gorgeous and packed full of natural and organic ingredients that actually work.